Book now, while seat remains!
2021 Chinese New Year ReservationStep 1. Call 2443 2705 and make an appointment for 2021 Chinese New Year
Step 2. Walk-in or click the following button to pay HK$200 deposit by credit card.
*Important Note:
- Once you have paid the deposit, we will contact you to confirm.
- No matter how you pay the deposit, all deposits are non-refundable.
- If you want to amend the appointment after paying the deposit, and the changing time slot is unavailable, the deposit will be used after Chinese new year time.
- Party Nail reserves the final decision right if any dispute may occur.
Chinese New Year Reservation Deposit
HK$200.00QuantityComing soonWhy Party Nail?
Over 10 Thousand Pairs of Hands Beautified
Treat Yourself Better
Manicure & Pedicure should be enjoyable. Party Nail is one of the largest nail shops in Yuen Long area. Comfortable place let you and your hands, foots relax as its best.
No China gels, only from EU, US, Japan and Korea
We starve to provide the best services and materials. That's why we only import materials from the above places.
We are using: Jessica, Tins, Zoya, Seche, Christrio, China Glaze, Star Nail, INM, Diva, Guccio, EzFlow, SWAROVSKI crystals.
© Party Nail